Monday, December 21, 2015

Railfan Brony Advent Calendar Day #21: Sodor Winter Follies Part 5

The final set of Thomas and Friends winter episodes from seasons 6-17 are here (unless there's any I may have missed). We've only got four this time, but better than nothing, right?


Season 16, Episode 12
Salty's Surprise
Written by Sharon Miller
Nice try, Miller - you may have replaced with "Winter Holiday" with "Christmas" (and rightly so) and forgone the rhyming, but calling it "Christmas Holiday" is a bit pointless, and there's still the irritating alliteration that's plaguing the dialogue.

At Brendam Docks, Edward learns from Salty that the red diesel has no time for presents and parties. Edward decides to give Salty a present, so he heads for the Steamworks and sees Rosie being repainted, giving him the idea to give Salty a new pot of green paint. However, Salty remembers once being painted green and how no one could see him - that's utter bull. Many engines on Sodor are green and they could be seen perfectly fine, why should Salty have been any different? It's not like all green engines suddenly become invisible!

Edward decides to give Salty a funnel, under Kevin's suggestion, which doesn't make sense since Salty's a diesel engine, as Edward lampshades - why would anyone be stupid to think Salty was a steam engine? Salty says that he lost a funnel that looks a lot like that - only it was blue rather than red - and so Edward decides to give Salty a Christmas tree... in his cab?! Why Nitrogen?! That's dangerous! Edward should've carried it on a conflat! Use that! Also, how does a sea breeze kill a Christmas tree?

So Edward realizes that Salty likes stories - you think he didn't know that by now? - and that he'd given the diesel reasons to tell stories. Also, if Edward was wise, he could've at least listened to Salty! Still, at least they kept the kind part of his personality, but it just didn't fit him a bit. The moral is good and relevant though - the best gifts don't come from a package. Insert pointless cameo of Sir Topham Santa... because why not.

Season 16, Episode 14
Emily's Winter Party Special
Written by Max Allen
The Fat Controller announces that the Sodor Winter Festival is tonight, and will choose whichever engine is the most helpful to be the party engine. Suddenly, a wind picks up and the Fat Controller's top hat flies off his head. Funny how he's calling out to it like it's his child, isn't it? Emily decides to go and find the Fat Controller's hat (why he can't buy a new one is anyone's guess) hoping to pull the present train. She tells Thomas and Henry about what she's doing (I actually chuckled when Henry said "oh"), but she decides to leave it aside to pick up the present train.

However, the Fat Controller isn't happy with Emily slacking off and gives the train to Thomas instead. On the way to town hall, Emily and Thomas pass by a snowman, and find what they think is the Fat Controller's top hat (I hope they informed the children about it first!) and return it to him. Funny how he calls it his "old friend".

Out of the Emily episodes... I don't have high feelings for it. It's trying too hard to be good, but if there's anything I liked, it was the animation for the lights around her and Thomas, the calliope made a return, and Teresa Gallagher's acting was brilliant. Of course, the plot drags on a lot, and it's dull at the best of times. Still way better than Sodor Surprise Day, though.

Season 17, Episode 18
Santa's Little Engine
Written by Andrew Brenner
This is the moment - Winter Holiday is no more, and Christmas is back!

At Ulfstead Castle, the Earl is preparing a Christmas fair; he asks the Fat Controller to dress as Santa Claus for the final day of the fair, and decides to get him a sleigh to ride in. The Fat Controller suggests using Winston instead, but the Earl tells him not to worry. The Fat Controller, desperate, has Winston modified at the Steamworks to look like a sleigh. Thomas, Annie and Clarabel are amused with his presence, but luckily for Winston, the Earl rejects the the track inspection car's modifications and insists on the Fat Controller riding a proper sleigh. Isn't it funny seeing Thomas wink at Winston? - no words, just music and facial actions.

On the last day of the fair, Thomas picks up the sleigh at Brendam docks and on the hill leading to Ulfstead Castle, Thomas slips - Cranky had warned him to take care earlier. The Fat Controller - dressed as Santa - arrives on board Millie, and is most dismayed to see the sleigh. "Ho! Ho! ...oh..." Poor Topham! XP As Thomas backs up, he accidentally hits the sleigh, causing the Fat Controller to ride out of control - oh no! Thomas chases after his control, and picks up branches around his funnel. "THOMAS! Heeeeeeelllllllp!!!" Luckily, Thomas has managed to save the Fat Controller and the sleigh, the latter none the worse, if not shaken, from his misadventure. Because of the branches around his funnel, Thomas is given a red nose to serve as the Fat Controller's reindeer, and yes, they actually say "Merry Christmas" at the end!

Yeah, the episode's a bit silly in places, but then, isn't Christmas all about having fun? I guess it doesn't matter when you watch the episode; it's an ideal pick-me-up, and the same thing applies to the next episode:

Season 17, Episode 19
The Missing Christmas Decorations
Written by Andrew Brenner
Yes people, Diesel 10 actually makes his debut in the TV series. After 13 years of being only in the specials, he finally shows up in a TV series episode, and it's a brilliant one at that.

Diesel 10 is cross that the Dieselworks has few decorations, and enlists Paxton's help to steal some decorations. He doesn't want to steal from the steam engines, since they haven't done anything bad to him, but he doesn't want to go against Diesel 10 either, for fear of his wrath. The Steam Team are upset at their Christmas tree being stolen, but the diesels are content with having taken the tree, and Diesel 10 decides to steal some lights next. I was taken by surprise by the reference to Thomas and the Magic Railroad, if I'm honest - but why did Diesel 10 call Sidney "Twinkle Toes"? With Mr. Conductor, it made sense because of his magic abilities, but does anyone know why Sidney was given the nickname?

Soon enough, Sidney is covered in Christmas lights. When Diesel 10 suggests they take some garlands, Paxton has had enough and refuses to help Diesel 10 steal any more decorations. In the morning, Diesel 10 takes some garland off Tidmouth Sheds, but Percy spots him, and he and the Steam Team give chase. They confront him at the Dieselworks, and Diesel 10 protests that everyone prefers steam to diesel, but Thomas argues that the Fat Controller cares for all of his engines.

Yes, all of his engines. Not just the steam engines, but diesels and electrics as well. That's miles ahead of Thomas' portrayal in DOTD. Paxton turns up with decorations for the Dieselworks, and Diesel 10 reluctantly returns the steam engines' decorations, having taken them for absolutely nothing. Percy notices that Sidney is still hanging, having been there for two years, and tells the Fat Controller about the blue diesel's predicament. Soon enough, Sidney is given new wheels, and to make up for their trouble and replace what they've damaged, the diesels give the steam engines their own decorations.

The Missing Christmas Decorations has everything Day of the Diesels doesn't - heart, and it shows that you should show some generosity to those less fortunate than you, regardless of what pain they've caused you. Percy was a real stand out as a character, and whilst he might be cheeky, he's also willing to help others in need. It makes him more relatable as a character.

Episode Ratings:
Salty's Surprise: 3 out of 10
Emily's Winter Party Special: 4 out of 10
Santa's Little Engine: 8.5 out of 10
The Missing Christmas Decorations: 10 out of 10

Thomas and Friends Season 16 Scorecard
2. Ol' Wheezy Wobbles: 1.5
5. Ho Ho Snowman: 1
8. Thomas Toots the Crows: 1
9. Bust My Buffers!: 1
10. Percy and the Calliope: 8.5
11. Thomas and the Sounds of Sodor: 1.5
12. Salty's Surprise: 3
13. Sodor Surprise Day: -10
14. Emily's Winter Party Special: 4
15. Muddy Matters: 5
18. Don't Bother Victor!: 2
20. The Christmas Tree Express: 0.5

Thomas and Friends Season 17 Scorecard
4. Gordon Runs Dry: 8
7. Henry's Hero: 5.5
8. Luke's New Friend: 7.5
10. Not Now, Charlie!: 5.5
12. The Thomas Way: 6
13. The Phantom Express: 7.5
14. Percy's Lucky Day: 9
15. Bill or Ben?: 10
16. Too Many Fire Engines: 9
17. No Snow for Thomas: 7.5
18. Santa's Little Engine: 8.5
19. The Missing Christmas Decorations: 10
20. The Frozen Turntable: 3
23. The Afternoon Tea Express: 8
24. The Smelly Kipper: 8

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