Thursday, December 19, 2019

End of the Line?

Has it been two months since I last posted on this blog? Wow! Well, to be honest, I did think about doing a season 23 overview, but I ended up choosing not to. Then I decided to try revisiting Thomas and Friends overall and putting out fortnightly revisits of my thoughts toward each season and special, but then I decided that it probably wasn't worth the trouble. Not because of some of the backlash I received in reviewing MLP's last season, but mostly because... I just don't have the gumption to post reviews here anymore.

When I first did reviews for the Railfan Brony Blog, I never imagined having to last five years, and I'm actually kind of glad that I did, and I'm grateful for the comments and views I received.

But now, it's high time I finally put this blog to bed. Will I still do reviews? Oh, certainly, but they'll mostly be on DeviantArt and they probably won't be lengthy as what you're used to seeing from me. As for blogs, I've still got Strawberry Peppers which has taken my focus for the past two months, and honestly, I'm having far more fun working there.

Maybe this blog will come back one day, but for now, thank you for reading.

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