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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

TTTE S10E13 - Edward Strikes Out

Well, last time I took out Edward's best episode Old Iron, this time, I'm taking out his worst episode! Is it really as bad as people say it is? That's what I'm going to find out!


Season 10, Episode 13
Edward Strikes Out
Written by Sharon Miller

Our typical intro states that Edward has worked on the North Western Railway the longest. Well, they got one thing right, at least, but sorry - I'm not restraining any emotions here. Anyway, he's sent to Brendam docks to pick up pipes, because... pipes. Thomas and Gordon are there, looking at a new crane. Thomas teases Gordon about the crane being able to lift the big engine, but Gordon takes offense to that and claims that the crane would only get in the way due to its lack of motion without an engine pulling it. Now here, Edward would've said otherwise, but here, he agrees with Gordon?! The hell were they thinking, choosing the wrong character for this plot? This isn't the first time it's occurred, but it won't be the last either.

Anyway, Gordon calls the crane new-fangled nonsense, which Percy misunderstands as a new-funneled nuisance. His role is pointless, it should've been cut, and the plot would still be the same. Edward backs onto the trucks and meets the crane, whose name is Rocky. Edward refuses Rocky's help, insults him to his face, and leaves without his pipes being secured... and without a brakevan. He comes across a signal at danger, stops too quickly, and his pipes spill.

Something's strange here, and I don't mean Edward's character derailment. Let's replay the events so far: Edward and Gordon are at the docks, they think Rocky is a new-fangled nonsense, Edward refuses Rocky's help, and he ends up in a mess. Get it? Apart from Percy's role and the intro, there's no filler within the first three minutes, and there are no special specials for children. This also affects the rest of the episode as well, and the fact that the plot is large enough to fill seven minutes from Sharon Miller is shocking - Thomas' Frosty Friend is nothing but a filler episode... Had she understood the basics of writing?! Well, she needs some work on characterization - can't have every miracle in one episode, I guess.

Back to the episode; Harvey is called in for help, but he can only lift one pipe at a time, and considering Harvey to the Rescue, that sounds utterly implausible. And speaking of which, Edward was also rude to Harvey in that episode, but it lasted only a mere five seconds, so it's more of a distraction than anything. Same thing when Thomas and Emily show up, and the latter apparently hates being patient all over again. Because Harvey takes a long time, Gordon steams in and hits the pipes, coming off the tracks - why he wasn't alerted beforehand, I have no clue.

Since Harvey is unable to lift Gordon by himself, Edward reluctantly leaves to fetch Rocky in spite of Gordon's rudeness. Rocky is willing to help, even after Edward's comments were rude and uncalled for, and he soon has Gordon rerailed and the pipes cleared off of the tracks, as well as gaining Edward and Gordon's respect.

Edward Strikes Out was simply terrible, and you know what I feel is the worst part? It didn't have to be with the good potential! The plot was just large enough to fill up the seven minute length, and it could've worked with James or Henry in Edward's place. Maybe then, it'd be a great episode! But no; the character who started it all had been transformed from a kind, wise engine to an outright jerk! He may be engine #2, but he's #1 to many peoples' hearts, and it's heartbreaking to see Edward act this way. Considering the likes of Old Iron and Edward's Exploit, this episode is a total insult to Awdry's legacy.

Rating: 1 out of 10
(mostly for the plot large enough to fill seven minutes and the potential; the rest is simply terrible)

Thomas' Frosty Friend is on the scorecard with an automatic 0/10 - it is just that terribly boring.

Thomas & Friends Season 10 Scorecard (out of 10 possible points)
9. It's Good to be Gordon: 9
13. Edward Strikes Out: 1
20. Thomas' Frosty Friend: 0

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