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Monday, March 23, 2015

RWS #21: Main Line Engines

After two trips away from the North Western, we journey down Edward's branchline all the way to Brendam to meet it's infamous twin tank engines Bill and Ben!


(special thanks to the Thomas the Tank Engine Wikia for the images)

The Railway Series Book #21
Main Line Engines
Written by The Rev. W. Awdry
Illustrated by Gunvor and Peter Edwards
Published 1966

The Railway Series might be heading deeper into dark territory, but that doesn't mean we can't have a few laughs, can we?

Dear Friends,
Bill and Ben are a shameless pair. I meant to write about Main Line Engines, and give the twins a treat by letting them into the first story. But I couldn't keep them in order! Before I knew it they had crept into the others. They even wanted me to change the book and make it about them!

But I have been very firm. I am still calling it Main Line Engines. That will serve Bill and Ben right for ragging poor Gordon so disgracefully.

He hasn't got over it yet!
The Author

The Diseasel
Season 2, Episode 21
Bill and Ben find that some trucks they brought in have gone missing, and believe it was caused by a "diseasel", recalling the notice "coughs and sneezels spread diseasels". After having their nameplates and numberplates taken away, Bill and Ben find the "diseasel" on a siding, they harass and confuse him until Edward puts a stop to their games, and the "diseasel" introduces himself as BoCo.

The way the twins tricked BoCo, in my opinion, made more sense on TV because frankly, how could the points change quickly for them to "circle" BoCo? And people accuse the TV series for points changing to quickly... But never mind; the story itself was really funny and I love Bill and Ben's antics every time they show up. Shame I can't say the same for a certain GWR pannier...

Even though the stories are of the same quality, the adaptation gets an extra half point because of the confusion in the original.

 RWS Rating: 9 out of 10
TV Series Rating: 9.5 out of 10

Buzz Buzz
Season 3, Episode 17
After BoCo makes peace with Duck since he knows Edward, they talk about Bill and Ben and Duck calls them "the Bees". James butts in and claims that he would make the bees buzz off by blowing smoke at them. The next day, however, James eats his words when two porters lose control with a beehive which breaks, and they rest on James' boiler to keep warm. Unfortunately, one bee burns itself on James' smokebox, and the red engine is stung on the nose.

A bit strange that in the adaptation, Duck and BoCo are already friends; you see, Duck was wary around BoCo considering the events of Duck and the Diesel Engines, but when BoCo convinces Duck otherwise, he becomes more friendly with him. Why it was left out of season two, I'll never know. Same thing with a beehive being carried on a trolley in a public railway station - who does that, I wonder? Even stranger, at least in the original, it was never explained what happened to the bees afterward, although I seriously doubt they'd put up with dizziness (Tenders and Turntables, anyone?) water and smoke just to keep warm.

The opening was nice, and it's good to see more characters besides Edward interacting with Trevor, plus it had a small build up to the main plot. The story is ridiculous, but it's really funny at the same time.

 RWS/TV Series Rating: 8 out of 10

Wrong Road
Season 2, Episode 22
Gordon believes he never goes on branchlines because he thinks them "vulgar"; however, because of confusion with a lady in a green floppy hat, Edward ends up on the mainline and Gordon down the branch. In the morning, Bill and Ben see Gordon and argue other how to dispose of him, much to his horror. When BoCo shows up and sends the twins away, Gordon is grateful and has a new-found respect for diesels like BoCo.

Let me explain why Edward's headcode isn't a problem - he has the express headcode on as shown in the illustration above, and it would be understandable to why the trains were mixed up. Also, how is Gordon going down the branchline a problem? I'm pretty sure Edward's branchline had been made strong enough to support the weight of an A1/A3, and since we never saw Edward's branchline that much, I guess anything could've happened behind the scenes. This is another great episode with a nice theme at the start.

 RWS/TV Series Rating: 9 out of 10

Edward's Exploit
Season 2, Episode 23
Edward struggles with his train of enthusiasts, but he manages to get his train moving to meet with Bill and Ben. Afterward, he takes them home, but his left crankpin shears clean off, damaging his splashers and frames. With his crankpins removed and the couplings loosened, Edward manages to get his passengers home, battered and late, but triumphant.

Wow. I mean, wow. What can I say? When an engine gets damaged, the driver calls for help; did Edward do the same thing? As if! Like Skarloey and Rheneas, Edward persevered to get his passengers home despite being crippled, and he gains respect from the others for his determination and grit. This is tied with Old Iron as my favorite Edward story as well as my other favorite season two episode overall.

 RWS/TV Series Rating: 10 out of 10

Stray Observations
Despite the title, the majority of the book took place on Edward's branchline. No wonder Bill and Ben crept their way into the other stories!

Weirdly, in Wrong Road, Thomas is drawn with his running plate curved at the front. How could the Edwards get it wrong even if it was his only appearance in the book?!

Another fantastic book; from the humor in The Diseasel to the drama in Edward's Exploit, it really catches your attention. However, we got five more books to cover, and two more railways to learn about.

Overall Book Rating: 9 out of 10

The Railway Series Scorecard
1. The Three Railway Engines: 8.4
2. Thomas the Tank Engine: 9
3. James the Red Engine: 7.5
4. Tank Engine Thomas Again: 9.5
5. Troublesome Engines: 8.1
6. Henry the Green Engine: 8.4
7. Toby the Tram Engine: 9
8. Gordon the Big Engine: 8.6
9. Edward the Blue Engine: 9.3
10. Four Little Engines: 8.8
11. Percy the Small Engine: 8.9
12. The Eight Famous Engines: 8.8
13. Duck and the Diesel Engine: 8.5
14. The Little Old Engine: 8.9
15. The Twin Engines: 9.1
16. Branch Line Engines: 9.3
17. Gallant Old Engine: 9.3
18. Stepney the "Bluebell" Engine: 8.5
19. Mountain Engines: 8.9
20. Very Old Engines: 9.1
21. Main Line Engines: 9

Thomas and Friends Season 2 Scorecard
2. Cows: 8
3. Bertie's Chase: 9
4. Saved from Scrap: 9.5
5. Old Iron: 10
7. Percy and the Signal: 9
8. Duck Takes Charge: 8
9. Percy and Harold: 8.5
11. Percy Takes the Plunge: 6.5
12. Pop Goes the Diesel: 9
13. Dirty Work: 8
14. A Close Shave: 8.5
16. Break Van: 8
17. The Deputation: 10
18. Thomas Comes to Breakfast: 9.5
19. Daisy: 9
20. Percy's Predicament: 8.5
21. The Diseasel: 9.5
22. Wrong Road: 9
23. Edward's Exploit: 10

Thomas and Friends Season 3 Scorecard
1. A Scarf for Percy: 8.5
2. Percy's Promise: 6.5
3. Time for Trouble: 6
4. Gordon and the Famous Visitor: 8
9. Henry's Forest: 9
10. The Trouble with Mud: 4
16. Edward, Trevor and the Really Useful Party: 8.5
17. Buzz Buzz: 8
26. Thomas and Percy's Christmas (Mountain) Adventure: 7.5 (UK) / 4 (US)

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