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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

TTTE S5E18 - Oliver's Find

Another day, another review. Here's another season five episode I'm reviewing - Oliver's Find!


Season 5, Episode 18
Oliver's Find
Written by Britt Allcroft and David Mitton

Just because Oliver isn't working on the Little Western, that doesn't make the episode bad on the spot; if they said he worked on the Little Western, then the plot would still be the same. Anyway, Oliver feels the need for a change of scenery and Toad suggests that he speak to the Fat Controller about this. However, Oliver is rough with the trucks and accidentally shunts them into the turntable well. The Fat Controller scolds him for causing trouble and assigns Oliver to work with the mail train. Speaking of which, I'm surprised that no one's brought this up in a few reviews I've read; another engine besides Thomas or Percy taking the mail train is a good idea for a story idea. It's happened years later in Edward and the Mail, but I'll get to that soon enough.

Back to the episode: Oliver runs along the coastal track with the mail train (odd that Toad isn't his brakevan, but meh) and later stops at a station to wait for some important mail from Harold who's late due to a problem with one of his arms. Oliver tries to make up for lost time, but stops at a red signal, and even when he blows his whistle, the signalman doesn't respond having dozed off, so Oliver and his crew proceed with caution. Unfortunately, they end up in the wrong direction and run into an abandoned shed close to a rundown station.

The Fat Controller is worried when Oliver doesn't turn up and he and Harold look from above the sky to find Oliver. They find him and the mail train at the station, having got out of the shed (maybe they brought him outside and removed the wood on top of him?) The Fat Controller is glad that Oliver and his crew are safe, and then turns his attention to an empty old house by the station and inspects it, intrigued. He returns and tells Oliver that he's found another attraction for Sodor and decides to have it renovated so visitors can have tea and crumpets there, and Oliver muses that getting lost can be interesting, but being found is much better.

People, help me out here; how does Oliver not working on the Little Western destroy the episode? To be fair, the yard Oliver ended up in was never brought up again, which I can understand, but on whole, I think this episode is very understated. Then again, I can say the same for all of season five; I don't get why people have been giving it so much stick lately. It feels like season three of Friendship is Magic - people thought that season was the first sign of seasonal rot, but really, it's actually enjoyable to watch. Plus, I'd rather watch season five over S13-16 any day. As for Oliver's Find, despite the ending never being expanded upon, I think it's quite good, but it could use some tweaks.

Rating: 7 out of 10

Thomas and Friends Season 5 Scorecard
13. Stepney Gets Lost: 5.5
14. Toby's Discovery: 5
15. Something in the Air: 9
18. Oliver's Find: 7
25. Rusty and the Boulder: 5

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