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Thursday, April 30, 2015

TTTE S17E24 - The Smelly Kipper

Last time, we took out an underrated episode from season 17, this time, we're taking out an episode from said season based on a Railway Series story - it's The Smelly Kipper!


Season 17, Episode 24
The Smelly Kipper
Written by Andrew Brenner
It's a bit odd that, although it wasn't focused on the supernatural, the episode started off with James telling a ghost story. A bit jarring, I'll admit, but it does give some insight to what goes on with the engines at night, even if the transitions are... off. Thomas scolds James for teasing Percy and suggests that he go and pull the mail train. Then Henry suggests that James take the Flying Kipper, which the red engine accepts. Whilst I dislike Henry's persona in the new era, seeing him have a banter with James is a nice step in the right direction.

At Brendam Docks, James is disgusted at the stench of fish, and he fibs to Porter that Henry is intended to pull the Kipper instead. I find it odd that Henry would believe James that he was dreaming - he was actually wide awake (although to be fair, it was lampshaded)! Anyway, Henry takes the Kipper but runs behind schedule. The Fat Controller is cross with James for lying out of a job, especially when Thomas and Gordon point out that they heard them, and he forces the red engine to take the Kipper anyway. James actually being scolded for causing trouble earlier is actually good, far better than what the Barlow Era gave us.

That night, James is so distracted about the smell that he backs up to the trucks very slowly - their teasing not helping matters. However, Cranky's pallet of fish hits James' tender and fish falls all over the red engine, much to his disgust and the trucks' amusement (insert Depry Hooves reference).

After the mess is cleared up (off-screen, I presume), James carries on with the Flying Kipper making deliveries and in the morning, the engines are awoken by the smell of fish - it's James, and he has a fish on his running plate, much to his horror (and people call Rarity fussy)! The Fat Controller praises James for keeping his promise, and upon smelling, gives him a washdown, much to James' relief. And hoping not to see another fish for a long time? Yeah, wait til Tale of the Brave comes along...

The Smelly Kipper has its faults, mostly regarding the animation and the footage being improperly cut when James returns to the sheds the first night, but it's still a pretty good episode on the whole, and it shows that lying gets you punished, but keeping your promise gets you rewarded. In fact, I feel it's beaten No Joke for James.

Rating: 8 out of 10

Thomas and Friends Season 17 Scorecard
12. The Thomas Way: 5.5
23. The Afternoon Tea Express: 8
24. The Smelly Kipper: 8

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