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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

TTTE S8E22 - You Can Do it, Toby!

I haven't been reviewing much of season eight, have I? Don't worry, I'm going to be rectifying that by reviewing You Can Do it, Toby!


Season 8, Episode 22
You Can Do it, Toby!
Written by Paul Larson
Toby is delivering some milk tankers and he comes across Gordon's hill, chuffing very slowly. I have no idea how two milk tankers (plus a brakevan) can slow him down, considering he's pulled heavy loads before and came out okay. Meanwhile, Gordon slows to a stop on his hill with three express coaches and has to wait for Edward's help - why does he need to now? Gordon is able to make it to the top, and he criticizes Toby for being slow and tells him he's not a proper engine. That sounds a lot like James to the Rescue, but let's move on and leave that aside for now...

Later that evening, Toby is told to work at Wellsworth yards whilst Edward is needed at the docks, and the Fat Controller assures Toby that he must be useful. Huh, I wonder if he told off Gordon for mocking Toby... Speaking of whom, Toby feels nervous for working at the yards, but with Thomas' encouragement, Toby is able to shunt trucks for Henry and the Scottish twins - that'd keep the fans quiet... for now, at least.

Gordon passes by and he gets stuck on his hill again. How often is he getting stuck there, honestly? Toby is sent to be Gordon's banker, and once again, with Thomas' encouragement, Toby sets off to help. Gordon isn't pleased when Toby shows up, and even less when Toby doesn't push hard enough. Initially, Toby is about to give up, but remembering Thomas' words, he puts his wheel down and pushes Gordon and the express as hard as he can. Gordon is able to reach the top, and Toby feels proud for helping out.

Whilst I find Henry and the Wishing Tree to be good, I'm afraid I found You Can Do it, Toby! to be quite weak. I dislike how Toby was portrayed throughout the Barlow era - he's supposed to be confident and proud for who he is, not a cowardly wimp who's afraid of woods and steam whistles. Even though Signals Crossed wasn't great, it's a small sign that Toby's old character might be resurfacing, and his fears are believable to an extent. To be fair, it was a nice show of Toby's strength and the moral about not giving up was nice as well, but the story didn't suit him at all. It could've worked better for Percy instead of Percy's Big Mistake where... well, I'll get to that eventually.

Paul Larson has a mixed reputation when it comes to his writing, and this is a prime example of that. Not the worst episode overall, but it isn't that great either.

Rating: 4.5 out of 10

Thomas and Friends Season 8 Scorecard
4. Henry and the Wishing Tree: 7.5
22. You Can Do it, Toby!: 4.5

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