It's hardly a shock to many that some characters are tricky to write for. Sometimes, they get it right in episodes like Old Reliable Edward, but at other times, they screw them up in the likes of Edward Strikes Out. Let's see what happened to Toby, shall we? And we're starting off with a classic episode here!
Season 5, Episode 10
Toby and the Flood
Written by Britt Allcroft and David Mitton
Toby and the Flood
Written by Britt Allcroft and David Mitton
Like I've said, I do not hate the classic series; it just has some duds here and there. This is one of them. It's been raining heavily for days, and the river close to Toby's branchline has risen due to the rain, and Toby has been sent to inspect the dam, which prevents the river from overflowing. Why they couldn't ask for a few inspectors and they ask for Harold instead, I'll never know. Oh, and a railway is built over the dam because why not. All of a sudden, the dam begins to break up.
At the old wooden bridge, Percy waits anxiously for Toby, and he slowly crosses the bridge and stops... because the plot demands for him to do so. Why? If he'd run out of coal or water, it would've made sense. Anyway, the dam collapses and the bridge breaks with Toby on top. How? Granted, he isn't as weighty as Percy, but he's not a sack of feathers either!
Anyway, Percy and Harold go off to rescue Toby from going over the edge of a waterfall. Harold lowers a rope to Toby's crew... over his buffer instead of, oh I don't know, the bridge? That would be the logical thing to do. And why a rope? Why not a chain? Then again, I'd hate to be the guy who'd have to catch it. Toby is safe, and when the rain stops and the dam is repaired, he's praised for his courage. Wait, what? Percy and Harold did the rescuing! And Percy says he could've never been so brave, even though he was in the previous episode! (Put Upon Percy, to be exact.)
Yeesh. The plot's a right mess there. Unlike Snow, it does treat a serious issue like a serious issue, and Percy showing bravery to help his friend is admirable. But that's it. I wouldn't say it's terrible, but it is seriously flawed. But that wasn't the worst they gave Toby for several years...
At the old wooden bridge, Percy waits anxiously for Toby, and he slowly crosses the bridge and stops... because the plot demands for him to do so. Why? If he'd run out of coal or water, it would've made sense. Anyway, the dam collapses and the bridge breaks with Toby on top. How? Granted, he isn't as weighty as Percy, but he's not a sack of feathers either!
Anyway, Percy and Harold go off to rescue Toby from going over the edge of a waterfall. Harold lowers a rope to Toby's crew... over his buffer instead of, oh I don't know, the bridge? That would be the logical thing to do. And why a rope? Why not a chain? Then again, I'd hate to be the guy who'd have to catch it. Toby is safe, and when the rain stops and the dam is repaired, he's praised for his courage. Wait, what? Percy and Harold did the rescuing! And Percy says he could've never been so brave, even though he was in the previous episode! (Put Upon Percy, to be exact.)
Yeesh. The plot's a right mess there. Unlike Snow, it does treat a serious issue like a serious issue, and Percy showing bravery to help his friend is admirable. But that's it. I wouldn't say it's terrible, but it is seriously flawed. But that wasn't the worst they gave Toby for several years...
Season 9, Episode 12
Toby Feels Left Out
Written by Simon A. Brown
Toby Feels Left Out
Written by Simon A. Brown
If anyone were ever questioned as to what Toby's worst episode is, I'm sure this would come to your mind when you think about bad Toby episodes. But is it the worst overall? Not really, but the message it tells us? Well, let's find out.
The Fat Controller tells his engines that the Sodor Museum will be opening soon. Insert "what's a Percy" joke that adds nothing to the episode with Gordon promptly correcting him. The Fat Controller says that all his engines will get a repaint, and when James tells this to Toby, the red engine thinks the tram engine must've been left out, and that causes Toby to worry; will he be a museum piece? Actually I can answer that by saying how dumb this is - Toby could've simply brushed off James' snarky comment instead of mulling it over. Toby tells this to Thomas, who suggests that he tell the Fat Controller. Wait, Thomas making a smart suggestion? I haven't seen that in a while, but sorry, it doesn't make up for what's next.
Thomas says that really useful engines are hard workers, which gives Toby the idea that if he works hard, he won't be in a museum. When Emily goes for a repaint, Toby volunteers to take her train of flour for her. At the docks, Toby runs off before the Fat Controller can talk to him, and at Knapford, he volunteers to take Annie and Clarabel for Thomas (what about Henrietta, who isn't mentioned in this episode?) and later, coal trucks for James and works at the quarry for Percy.
At the quarry, Toby spots the Fat Controller, and he runs off yet again, but he runs onto a siding into a rock, because... rock, and derails, damaging his cowcatcher and axle. The Fat Controller confronts Toby, who sadly explains everything. The Fat Controller assures Toby that he'll never be put in a museum, and that he has a special job for Toby - he's taking visitors to the museum for the grand opening. Toby is soon repaired and picks up the visitors (in a coach that isn't Henrietta)
So what was the message the episode conveyed - old people are hopeless pessimists? What the chuffing hell?! Saying old people are useless is completely insulting - they teach us life lessons about their past and they can help provide history of the world before our time. Not only has the show insulted disabled people (James to the Rescue), the homeless (Day of the Diesels), and people of different races (pretty most of S14-16), they've now insulted elderly people! How can it possibly get worse? Also, on a side note, the museum coach looks incredibly lazy - it's just a red brake coach repainted!
So yeah, on whole, Toby Feels Left Out was horrendously bad. Of course, after his two surprisingly good roles in season 10, it got worse...
The Fat Controller tells his engines that the Sodor Museum will be opening soon. Insert "what's a Percy" joke that adds nothing to the episode with Gordon promptly correcting him. The Fat Controller says that all his engines will get a repaint, and when James tells this to Toby, the red engine thinks the tram engine must've been left out, and that causes Toby to worry; will he be a museum piece? Actually I can answer that by saying how dumb this is - Toby could've simply brushed off James' snarky comment instead of mulling it over. Toby tells this to Thomas, who suggests that he tell the Fat Controller. Wait, Thomas making a smart suggestion? I haven't seen that in a while, but sorry, it doesn't make up for what's next.
Thomas says that really useful engines are hard workers, which gives Toby the idea that if he works hard, he won't be in a museum. When Emily goes for a repaint, Toby volunteers to take her train of flour for her. At the docks, Toby runs off before the Fat Controller can talk to him, and at Knapford, he volunteers to take Annie and Clarabel for Thomas (what about Henrietta, who isn't mentioned in this episode?) and later, coal trucks for James and works at the quarry for Percy.
At the quarry, Toby spots the Fat Controller, and he runs off yet again, but he runs onto a siding into a rock, because... rock, and derails, damaging his cowcatcher and axle. The Fat Controller confronts Toby, who sadly explains everything. The Fat Controller assures Toby that he'll never be put in a museum, and that he has a special job for Toby - he's taking visitors to the museum for the grand opening. Toby is soon repaired and picks up the visitors (in a coach that isn't Henrietta)
So what was the message the episode conveyed - old people are hopeless pessimists? What the chuffing hell?! Saying old people are useless is completely insulting - they teach us life lessons about their past and they can help provide history of the world before our time. Not only has the show insulted disabled people (James to the Rescue), the homeless (Day of the Diesels), and people of different races (pretty most of S14-16), they've now insulted elderly people! How can it possibly get worse? Also, on a side note, the museum coach looks incredibly lazy - it's just a red brake coach repainted!
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Do you see the similarities? You can draw your conclusions. |
Season 11, Episode 16
Toby's Triumph
Written by Abi Grant
Toby's Triumph
Written by Abi Grant
Does anyone even remember this episode? All Toby does is worry about taking Alicia Botti and along the way, he gets himself messy. That's it. Why did she fret about Toby being dirty when she could've simply boarded Henrietta without concern? (Oh wait, I haven't reviewed that episode yet.) Also, isn't the Fat Controller important since Toby has taken him places in the past?
The episode is so dull and boring there's really not much I can say here. The only positive is that it didn't introduce a character so bratty you want him scrapped so... it's somewhat an improvement? (I don't think that's much, really, but there you go.)
Yes, I know I've skipped Toby's Special Surprise - I'll get to it, just not here.
The episode is so dull and boring there's really not much I can say here. The only positive is that it didn't introduce a character so bratty you want him scrapped so... it's somewhat an improvement? (I don't think that's much, really, but there you go.)
Yes, I know I've skipped Toby's Special Surprise - I'll get to it, just not here.
Season 13, Episode 11
Toby's New Whistle
Written by Louise Kramskoy
Toby's New Whistle
Written by Louise Kramskoy
Sweet mother of Gresley, where do I begin with this? Well, we don't need that stupid introduction and over-exposition for one thing! Anyway, Toby is at the Steamworks because is bell is rusty and needs to be cleaned. For the time being, he's given a three-chime steam whistle, according to James, but Toby doesn't like the whistle he's given, especially as it's very loud. Honestly, aren't whistles meant to be loud? That's the point - to alert people you're coming! The Fat Controller assigns Toby to pick up Lady Hatt at Knapford because... well, I don't know! The writer didn't establish that! I will say this though; Louise Kramskoy is pretty much Natasha Levinger if she didn't give a damn about the characters she wrote for in every one of her episodes (three to be exact; this, Thomas and the Runaway Kite, and the next episode I'll get to).
Out on the mainline, Toby decides to puff slowly so he won't have to use his whistle, which doesn't work when Gordon is behind him with the express (why is that?) and even less when he comes across some cows on the line. Seriously? Toby has encountered animals before and most likely since this episode - he should know how to move them without anyone getting hurt! And you're telling me he doesn't know how to move animals? Even if he was newly built, that cannot be defended whatsoever! And yeah, calling the farm workers for help was just as effective as glue keeping a real locomotive together - not at all. Oh, and why did nobody else come across the cows while Toby was looking for help?
Speaking of which, after failing yet again to move them with his cowcatchers, Thomas comes around the bend towards the cows, but Toby manages to blow his whistle (about time he did so) and stop Thomas from colliding with the cows. And why keep referring to it as a three-chime steam whistle? Just calling it a whistle is enough! Finally, they manage to get the cows to move back into their field when Toby remembers his pointless task. They come across the Fat Controller, who says that Lady Hatt is now riding with Gordon (on a sidenote, why does he not refer to her as his wife?). Toby notices a fallen tree (why did Fat Hatt not see it?) and that Gordon is heading towards it, so Toby blows his whistle again and Gordon stops just in time. By the way, the tree incident is never mentioned again for some reason.
After that, Toby gets his bell back, happy to have just a bell. Do I really need to say more about how stupid this episode is? There are so many problems that the episode is utterly unwatchable.
Out on the mainline, Toby decides to puff slowly so he won't have to use his whistle, which doesn't work when Gordon is behind him with the express (why is that?) and even less when he comes across some cows on the line. Seriously? Toby has encountered animals before and most likely since this episode - he should know how to move them without anyone getting hurt! And you're telling me he doesn't know how to move animals? Even if he was newly built, that cannot be defended whatsoever! And yeah, calling the farm workers for help was just as effective as glue keeping a real locomotive together - not at all. Oh, and why did nobody else come across the cows while Toby was looking for help?
Speaking of which, after failing yet again to move them with his cowcatchers, Thomas comes around the bend towards the cows, but Toby manages to blow his whistle (about time he did so) and stop Thomas from colliding with the cows. And why keep referring to it as a three-chime steam whistle? Just calling it a whistle is enough! Finally, they manage to get the cows to move back into their field when Toby remembers his pointless task. They come across the Fat Controller, who says that Lady Hatt is now riding with Gordon (on a sidenote, why does he not refer to her as his wife?). Toby notices a fallen tree (why did Fat Hatt not see it?) and that Gordon is heading towards it, so Toby blows his whistle again and Gordon stops just in time. By the way, the tree incident is never mentioned again for some reason.
After that, Toby gets his bell back, happy to have just a bell. Do I really need to say more about how stupid this episode is? There are so many problems that the episode is utterly unwatchable.
Season 14, Episode 5
Toby and the Whistling Woods
Written by Louise Kramskoy
Toby and the Whistling Woods
Written by Louise Kramskoy
Yeah, this is her third and final script for the show, and boy is it bad. Then again, the last three episodes were also fairly bad and Toby and the Flood was just meh.
The Fat Controller has given Toby a "special" special - delivering coal for the Duke and Duchess of Boxford by teatime going through the Whistling Woods as a tree has fallen on the other track, which they're not going to bother expanding upon because... reasons. At the junction, he encounters Thomas and James shunting without explanation. It's a bit of a shocker there that James is actually showing concern for Toby - considering his later actions next season, that's... yeah. However, Toby doesn't want to admit that he's afraid even if he wants their help.
Of course, Toby's afraid of the Woods, especially when he hears strange noises - what do you notice about the first strike? The animation of Toby coming around the bend and back again is very much the same angle. And it feels like it was played in reverse if it weren't for the steam from Toby's funnel. Same thing can apply to strikes two and three. Hell, even the dialogue is as repetitive as the footage! Is there any excuse to this lackluster animating and writing?!
Nitrogen produced two specials, one season, and four episodes before this episode and two seasons and specials and fifteen episodes after, and yet the animation was never that lazy (except maybe in Charlie and Eddie, but I'll get to that and Play Time soon enough)! Arc has a lot to deal with, and yet they manage fine! For the most part, their animation and angles are unique in every production, and they did reuse animation every now and then, which is forgivable. In this episode? That I can't vouch for at all.
Eventually, Toby gives in and lets Thomas and James come with him, leaving the trucks behind in a mess that's also never resolved. Then he sees what made those strange noises - a snowy owl, the waterfall (it looks so lovely you'd think it was live action), and the wind. And blah, blah, blah, Toby makes his delivery to the Duke and Duchess.
The Fat Controller has given Toby a "special" special - delivering coal for the Duke and Duchess of Boxford by teatime going through the Whistling Woods as a tree has fallen on the other track, which they're not going to bother expanding upon because... reasons. At the junction, he encounters Thomas and James shunting without explanation. It's a bit of a shocker there that James is actually showing concern for Toby - considering his later actions next season, that's... yeah. However, Toby doesn't want to admit that he's afraid even if he wants their help.
Of course, Toby's afraid of the Woods, especially when he hears strange noises - what do you notice about the first strike? The animation of Toby coming around the bend and back again is very much the same angle. And it feels like it was played in reverse if it weren't for the steam from Toby's funnel. Same thing can apply to strikes two and three. Hell, even the dialogue is as repetitive as the footage! Is there any excuse to this lackluster animating and writing?!
Nitrogen produced two specials, one season, and four episodes before this episode and two seasons and specials and fifteen episodes after, and yet the animation was never that lazy (except maybe in Charlie and Eddie, but I'll get to that and Play Time soon enough)! Arc has a lot to deal with, and yet they manage fine! For the most part, their animation and angles are unique in every production, and they did reuse animation every now and then, which is forgivable. In this episode? That I can't vouch for at all.
Eventually, Toby gives in and lets Thomas and James come with him, leaving the trucks behind in a mess that's also never resolved. Then he sees what made those strange noises - a snowy owl, the waterfall (it looks so lovely you'd think it was live action), and the wind. And blah, blah, blah, Toby makes his delivery to the Duke and Duchess.
Final Thoughts
What the hell had they done to you back then, Toby? You went from being a wise tram engine to a downright coward in the space of a few years! Surprisingly, Sharon Miller was only behind six episodes featuring Toby, none of which I featured - Toby's Special Surprise (which I'll get to), Tram Trouble (which I won't do), Toby and Bash (which I'll also get to), James to the Rescue (which I've already done), Big Belle (which I'll also also get to), and The Christmas Tree Express (Toby's worst episode). Luckily, they managed to salvage Toby in Signals Crossed and he appears to have come back full force in season 19, which I'll get to next week. I just hope they do something similar for Henry in the next couple of seasons...
Episode Ratings:
Toby and the Flood: 3 out of 10
Toby Feels Left Out: 1.5 out of 10
Toby's Triumph: 1 out of 10
Toby's New Whistle: 1 out of 10
Toby and the Whistling Woods: 1 out of 10
Thomas and Friends Season 5 Scorecard
3. A Better View for Gordon: 9.5
5. James and the Trouble with Trees: 8.5
6. Gordon and the Gremlin: 7
10. Toby and the Flood: 3
5. James and the Trouble with Trees: 8.5
6. Gordon and the Gremlin: 7
10. Toby and the Flood: 3
13. Stepney Gets Lost: 5.5
14. Toby's Discovery: 5
15. Something in the Air: 9
16. Thomas, Percy and Old Slowcoach: 10
16. Thomas, Percy and Old Slowcoach: 10
18. Oliver's Find: 7
25. Rusty and the Boulder: 5
26. Snow: 1
26. Snow: 1
Thomas and Friends Season 9 Scorecard
2. Thomas and the Rainbow: 1.5
7. Respect for Gordon: 8
10. Rheneas and the Dinosaur: 1
12. Toby Feels Left Out: 1.5
12. Toby Feels Left Out: 1.5
16. Henry and the Flagpole: 2.5
22. Skarloey the Brave: 1
24. Thomas and the Golden Eagle: 1
Thomas and Friends Season 11 Scorecard
6. Gordon and the Engineer: 9.5
10. Thomas and the Big Bang: 1
11. Smoke and Mirrors: 1
12. Thomas Sets Sail: 1
13. Don't Be Silly, Billy: 0.5
16. Toby's Triumph: 1
17. Thomas and the Runaway Car: 8.5
18. Thomas in Trouble: 7
22. Sir Handel in Charge: 1.5
10. Thomas and the Big Bang: 1
11. Smoke and Mirrors: 1
12. Thomas Sets Sail: 1
13. Don't Be Silly, Billy: 0.5
16. Toby's Triumph: 1
17. Thomas and the Runaway Car: 8.5
18. Thomas in Trouble: 7
22. Sir Handel in Charge: 1.5
Thomas and Friends Season 13 Scorecard
2. The Lion of Sodor: 1.5
3. Tickled Pink: 9
5. Slippy Sodor: 1.5
9. Time for a Story: 1
11. Toby's New Whistle: 1
11. Toby's New Whistle: 1
12. A Blooming Mess: 7.5
13. Thomas and the Runaway Kite: 0.5
15. Splish, Splash, Splosh!: 0.5
18. Henry's Good Deeds: 1
19. Buzzy Bees: 0
Thomas and Friends Season 14 Scorecard
1. Thomas' Tall Friend: 1
5. Toby and the Whistling Woods: 1
5. Toby and the Whistling Woods: 1
7. Diesel's Special Delivery: 1
8. Pop Goes Thomas: 0.5
11. Being Percy: 8
12. Merry Winter Wish: 1.5
13. Thomas and the Snowman Party: 0
16. Thomas and Scruff: 0.5
17. O the Indignity: 3
20. Henry's Magic Box: 0.5
Personally I liked Toby and the Flood, in that one, I'm guessing Toby stopped on the bridge out of fear/nervousness and for the rope being tied to his buffer, I'm guessing it would have been safer than tying it to the bridge because if Harold made one wrong move, it could have tipped over.
ReplyDeleteToby's Triumph was alright to me, but Toby Feels Left Out was the worst one to me out of all of them, because the same guy who saved Toby obviously would be trying to put him in a museum, ugh. Other bad ones I'd include would be You Can Do It, Toby because for some reason after one comment Gordon makes Toby suddenly feels like he's not worth anything and especially Big Belle, Toby gets scared all because Belle shoots water and acts like a mean old man who doesn't like doing anything fun.