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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Railfan Brony Advent Calendar Day #17: Sodor Festive Follies Part 1

We've got over a week to go before Christmas, and now we're in the home stretch to do Thomas' winter-themed capers. Let's kick off with seasons six and seven since obviously, I've already done season five's Snow.


Season 6, Episode 9
It's Only Snow
Story by David Mitton
Written by James Mason
Yeah, this was the episode where the "Winter Holiday" controversy started up. No, not in season nine, and I'll get to that later. I'm not gonna dwell on that since I just want to focus on the episodes.

A snowstorm strikes the Island of Sodor, and the engines have to wear their snowploughs, much to Thomas' dismay. However, he has to pick up a special (a Christmas tree) from Callan station and deliver it to the village fete on Toby's branchline (even though he should be on Thomas'). His snowplough is old and rusty, and he thinks it horrid and awkward. After meeting up with Toby at Maithwaite, they head on towards the village, but Thomas' snowplough hits a rock and breaks off, and it knocks over a water tower. However, Thomas is determined to get to the villagers and deliver their tree, and with his best efforts, he makes it to the village safely.

Yes people - Thomas is not helping children for once; he's helping adult villagers. Plus, you gotta admire his courage to continue without his snowplough, and his persona is way better than it was during S13-16.

Season 6, Episode 16
Jack Frost
Story by David Mitton
Written by Paul Larson
James and Percy are assigned to deliver extra coal to the stations across Sodor, and Thomas tells them of Jack Frost. Percy is nervous about meeting Jack Frost, but he keeps telling himself that he isn't scary. James, meanwhile, is dismissive of the story. When Percy makes his last stop, he offers his coal to keep the station warm, and is stuck on a siding until Elizabeth brings him coal in the morning. Throughout the night, Percy gets snowed up and icicles form around his face - one even hangs off of his nose! James gets a fright when he sees Percy, and Elizabeth is shocked when she brings Percy coal. At the sheds, James claims to have seen Jack Frost, but we know who it really was - don't we?

The snowy scenery looks fantastic, and... that's all I can add, really. Not much to say here, other than I quite like episodes with James and Percy together.

Season 6, Episode 20
Toby Had a Little Lamb
Written by Jenny McDade
Had this been shown in the Barlow era, Toby would've been a coward and hesitate to even brave the storm. Here? He just gets down on the job, determined to help the lambs.

Toby is stopped by Farmer McColl - his sheep have begun lambing, but he can't get access on the telephone and the roads are blocked. At the next signalbox, Toby's driver phones for a vet, and the Fat Controller sends for Duck to clear the lines to reach the sheep, but the snow is getting worse. Toby decides to travel on his old line to reach the sheep, despite the dangers. He comes across a rickety old bridge, but remembering the sheep, Toby bravely crosses it and makes it safely. The lambs are fine, but they don't have a home - Toby suggests they use Henrietta... why didn't she object? Oh wait, she doesn't have a face and can't talk. I understand.

That's the Toby they should've used in the dark ages - he might've been old, but he was determined to help his friends when they were in trouble, especially when the snow was involved.

Season 7, Episode 14
Snow Engine
Written by Jenny McDade
First off, shouldn't Duck and Oliver be working on the Little Western? Don't they work all year round? Oliver doesn't like snow, but Toad does. Meanwhile, some children make a big snowman for their winter festival. Oliver is sent to pick up goods to the mountain village for the festival, despite his dislike for snow. However, Oliver is switched onto a siding due to frozen points, and he runs right into a snowman. Also, how did Toad end up beside Oliver, and how did the snowman not melt? Oliver has to stay where he is for the night, much to his dismay, and Toad begins to think Oliver was probably right after all. In the morning, when he wakes up, Oliver is dressed like a snowman, and when Duck arrives with the breakdown train, Oliver doesn't want to leave and thinks snow is lovely after all, although Toad begged to differ.

Not the greatest of season seven, but it's still an okay watch; I guess Oliver was picked cause had it been Thomas, it would've been predictable. Besides, anything's better than what S13-16 brought forth.

Season 7, Episode 24
Not So Hasty Puddings
Written by Robyn Charteris
Wow, this episode is loaded with stock footage - in one scene, Henry's in his old shape, and in another, Thomas has a different snowplough. Could they have not afforded to film new scenes? I know visuals usually don't bother me, but in season seven, the use of stock footage was staggering, most likely because it filmed the same time as Jack and the Pack.

Elizabeth delivers Thomas' blue snowplough, and says that if he gets stuck in the snow, Thomas can't be reliable. Later, Elizabeth is sent to pick up some Christmas puddings and deliver them to Brendam docks before the ship sails for the mainland. Whilst Thomas handles his branchline with ease, Elizabeth struggles on the icy roads, and after picking up the Christmas puddings, she slips down a hill and into a snowbank. Thomas brings Terrence to help her out, and they deliver the puddings on time.

It's one of those simple episodes; no major faults story wise, but it's not an episode I'd watch all the time, if I'm honest.

Episode Ratings:
It's Only Snow: 8.5 out of 10
Jack Frost: 7.5 out of 10
Toby Had a Little Lamb: 8 out of 10
Snow Engine: 6 out of 10
Not So Hasty Puddings: 6.5 out of 10

Thomas and Friends Season 6 Scorecard
7. Jack Jumps In: 10
8. A Friend in Need: 10
9. It's Only Snow: 8.5
10. Twin Trouble: 7.5
11. The World's Strongest Engine: 6
12. Scaredy Engines: 3
15. James and the Red Balloon: 10
16. Jack Frost: 7.5
17. Gordon Takes a Tumble: 8.5
18. Percy's Chocolate Crunch: 9
20. Toby Had a Little Lamb: 8
22. Thomas the Jet Engine: 8.5
23. Edward the Very Useful Engine: 7.5
24. Dunkin Duncan: 8
25. Rusty Saves the Day: 2.5
26. Faulty Whistles: 8.5

Thomas and Friends Season 7 Scorecard
1. Emily's New Coaches: 10
2. Percy Gets It Right: 8
4. The Old Bridge: 5.5
5. Edward's Brass Band: 6
6. What's the Matter with Henry?: 8
7. James and the Queen of Sodor: 7
8. The Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop: 8.5
11. Bad Day at Castle Loch: 7
12. Rheneas and the Roller Coaster: 0
13. Salty's Stormy Tale: 7
14. Snow Engine: 6
17. Peace and Quiet: 9.5
23. Gordon and Spencer: 10
24. Not So Hasty Puddings: 6.5
26. Three Cheers for Thomas: 9

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