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Monday, December 7, 2015

Railfan Brony Advent Calendar Day #7: Friends on the Rails

Another day, another series of reviews. We got a lot of 7s and 1s on this one!


Season 7, Episode 17
Peace and Quiet
Written by Paul Larson
Because of a heavy workload, the Fat Controller brings in a large tender engine named Murdoch to help out. He wants some peace and quiet, but he can't due to the engines crowding him. When Harvey and Salty ask him questions, Murdoch snaps at them and demands that they keep quiet. The next morning, he pulls a goods train along the countryside when he comes across some sheep on the track. His crew are unable to move them, and they call for help. Murdoch is unhappy with the sheep's braying, but is grateful when Toby shows up with the farmer and his dog. Afterwards, he apologizes to Harvey and Salty for snapping at them and happily listens to one Salty's stories - he'd take that over noisy sheep any day!

I really liked this episode when I first saw it and I still do to this day. First off, that's some remarkable modeling on the 9F, despite the ridiculous orange livery. :P Murdoch definitely deserves to be in CGI, and it'd be nice to see more of his persona expanded upon.

Season 10, Episode 17
Big Strong Henry
Written by Simon Nicholson
The Fat Controller says that Farmer McColl needs iron, bricks, and concrete, because he's building a shed to keep his cows warm. Henry volunteers, but Gordon takes the job instead. Yeah, I know, it's actually shocking that Gordon was willing to pull trucks - I guess it shows his personality is expanding slightly. Henry is disappointed that he has to deliver empty trucks, but Thomas, Percy and Emily encourage him to prove his strength in front of Gordon.

After delivering empty trucks, Henry wonders how to prove himself in front of Gordon - he first tries pulling five heavy trucks (which don't look heavy if you ask me) but Gordon tells him to put them back as he's taking them later. Then Henry tries pulling twenty trucks, but they push him out of control and he derails... not in slow motion?! Holy crap, they didn't slow down a crash! Someone get your cameras out!

The Fat Controller is not happy with Henry and tells him to put the trucks back where he found them... one at a time, for some reason. Meanwhile, Gordon heads off to collect Farmer McColl's cows - ironic, since he ran into one, as did Henry - but the doors aren't shut properly and the cows leave their vans when he stops. (Wonky Whistle, anyone? -_-') This gives Henry an ingenious idea - he can lead the cows to their new shed! A bit strange that cows would follow a locomotive, but I've heard stranger things. And how'd they do that animation? It's incredible considering they used models!

Thomas and Percy apologize to Henry for getting him into trouble, but Emily tells him he'd been helpful that day, much to Gordon's embarrassment. Oh, and that cutaway with him and the cow? Genius. I'll admit this episode wasn't the best, but it was still a good watch, I felt.

Season 10, Episode 28
Thomas and Skarloey's Big Day Out
Written by Paul Larson
Remember when I said in my review of The Thomas Way that the route Thomas and Duck took was inconsistent to the Sodor map? Well, it's the same case here, only it's far more contrived.

Thomas takes some steel pipes to the Wharf where he meets up with Skarloey, looking very miserable because he's broken down and no one can take him to the mender's yard. You know, since it's season ten, I wouldn't put it past him. Thomas offers to take Skarloey to the mender's yard, and is told he must go straight there. Does he? Nope. Thomas takes Skarloey to see the sights along the NWR. You know they did this better with Harold since Thomas had an engine to play off against - Duck? Here, it's just Thomas and Skarloey without anyone, not even the crews, to object.

Thomas takes Skarloey to see the Scottish Castle, to which Skarloey has already seen a castle, and so Thomas takes him to Shen Valley, to which Skarloey has already seen green valleys. So, throughout the day, Thomas takes Skarloey all over Sodor, and somehow manages not to pass by Crovan's Gate - railways do not have alternate routes! If they were cars, that'd be one thing, but trains only follow one specific route on their line! Seriously, this contrivance is far more noticeable, and it becomes a major distraction to the plot.

So Thomas is about to take Skarloey to the top of Gordon's hill when the chain snaps and Skarloey rolls backwards down the hill into a siding. Thomas hauls Skarloey's flatbed back on the tracks and they set off for Crovan's Gate, and not on the way, they pass the seaside, which Skarloey has never seen before. After Skarloey is repaired in an unrealistic amount of time, Thomas takes him to see the beach once again.

Despite the appearance of Skarloey's season four model, the episode is just loaded with contrived coincidences. Sure, Thomas' heart was in the right place, but it's not enough to save this episode. If you like this episode, fine, but for me, it's not that good.

Season 17, Episode 10
Not Now, Charlie!
Written by Davey Moore
Speaking of The Thomas Way, I didn't know what I was thinking when I called Charlie better than Duck - nine months later, I think that remark's come back to haunt me...

We start off with Charlie telling a joke to Salty, who finds his pirate joke funny, but Cranky doesn't. Gordon does laugh, but he stops when Charlie stares at him. Is that supposed to be a metaphor for something? Next set of jokes - elephants, and that isn't the most subtle of ways to set up an episode, is it? In fact, it's a shame that Henry, considering his experience with one and his recent fears in seasons 18 and 19, didn't freak out at the mention of an elephant - would've been nice to have a classic series reference, but oh well - you get what you get.

Anyway, the plot really gets off the ground when Charlie encounters an elephant close to the line. Blowing his whistle doesn't do jack (don't take this the wrong way), and so he alerts Thomas, Percy, and Henry, but they think he's joking and ignore his warnings. Kind of sounds like The Boy Who Cried Wolf, doesn't it? I guess it makes sense for the moral - joke around too much, and when a serious situation strikes, nobody's gonna take you seriously.

Later, Charlie passes by the Sodor Animal Park and notices a wall collapsed due to a fallen tree - the elephant must've escaped! When he tries telling the engines again, they just laugh. Oh, and Cranky freaking out over an elephant? That's actually quite funny. Desperate, Charlie goes to Harold, who takes his warning seriously, and they go off to rescue the elephant on a special truck. I dunno, how do you carry elephants on railway rolling stock? Was it an actual prototype or did the animators use their imaginations? Anyway, the engines finally believe Charlie, who promises not to tell another joke again... but it doesn't last long!

So, had my earlier (if not somewhat petty) judgement been right? Er, not really. Right now, I've given The Thomas Way a 6/10 - it has a good premise, but the lack of proper routes does hinder the score significantly, and no, it no longer has anything to do with Duck. With Not Now, Charlie? Sure, the ending could be seen as a slap in the face, but I personally found it somewhat funny. The story did drag on a little, but it does have moments that actually got a smirk from me, and it was better than The Frozen Turntable.

Season 17, Episode 15
Bill or Ben?
Written by Andrew Brenner
On the other end of the humor spectrum...!

First off, I actually like how they introduce Bill and Ben to those unfamiliar with the classics. One day, Connor races by the twins, much to their surprise. They dismiss Thomas' statement of Connor being friendly and think he's a showoff, and decide to show him up. Next time Connor comes to Sodor, Bill offers to race him all the way to Ulfstead Castle. At first Connor refuses, as it wouldn't be fair, but Bill insists, and so Connor does agree to the race. At the castle, he''s shocked to find "Bill" already there. Ben offers round two back to the bridge, and Connor accepts, determined not to be beaten by a tank engine.

Suddenly, Connor passes a signal at danger and almost crashes into Henry! Phew, that's a close one. The Fat Controller scolds Connor for his SPAD (signal passed at danger) and when Bill and Ben turn up, Connor is angry that they tricked him, as is the Fat Controller with the twins for their games. Classic references abound!

Bill is sent to the Steamworks to be repainted blue (a hinting of Timothy's debut, perhaps?) and to cheer up his twin, Ben arrives at the Steamworks pretending to be Bill, tricking Kevin. Victor is shocked by the twins' prank and Kevin apologizes, even though it wasn't his fault. Bill meets up with Connor again, who agrees to another race, unaware that the twins have tricked him yet again...!

Absolutely brilliant. Possibly my favorite from season 17. Bill and Ben's (proper) return was well worth the wait, and they're just as funny as ever. Talk about ending this batch with the best!

Episode Ratings:
Peace and Quiet: 9.5 out of 10
Big Strong Henry: 7 out of 10
Thomas and Skarloey's Big Day Out: 3.5 out of 10
Not Now, Charlie!: 5.5 out of 10
Bill or Ben?: 10 out of 10

Thomas and Friends Season 7 Scorecard
1. Emily's New Coaches: 10
2. Percy Gets It Right: 8
4. The Old Bridge: 5.5
5. Edward's Brass Band: 6
7. James and the Queen of Sodor: 7
11. Bad Day at Castle Loch: 7
12. Rheneas and the Roller Coaster: 0
17. Peace and Quiet: 9.5
23. Gordon and Spencer: 10
26. Three Cheers for Thomas: 9

Thomas and Friends Season 10 Scorecard
7. Thomas' Tricky Tree: 2.5
8. Toby's Afternoon Off: 7.5
9. It's Good to be Gordon: 9
13. Edward Strikes Out: 1
14. Topped Off Thomas: 0.5
16. Thomas and the Shooting Star: 6.5
17. Big Strong Henry: 7
18. Sticky Toffee Thomas: 4
20. Thomas' Frosty Friend: 0
27. James the Second Best: 5
28. Thomas and Skarloey's Big Day Out: 3.5

Thomas and Friends Season 17 Scorecard
4. Gordon Runs Dry: 8
7. Henry's Hero: 5.5
10. Not Now, Charlie!: 5.5
12. The Thomas Way: 6
13. The Phantom Express: 7.5
14. Percy's Lucky Day: 9
15. Bill or Ben?: 10
16. Too Many Fire Engines: 9
17. No Snow for Thomas: 7.5
20. The Frozen Turntable: 3
23. The Afternoon Tea Express: 8
24. The Smelly Kipper: 8

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