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Friday, January 15, 2016

TTTE Season 19: Delayed Christmas Follies

I'm so sorry for not getting this done earlier; school restarted (that's fun(!)) and I kind of forgotten about reviewing the next three episodes. So, without further delay, let's dig in!

Season 19, Episode 5
A Cranky Christmas
Written by Mark Huckerby and Nick Ostler
Yes, I know it aired as the sixth episode in Australia and that it's the second episode produced for this season, but I order episodes I review based on their UK air dates, so keep that in mind.

First off, the moral - admitting your mistakes. Whilst it's good, we've already had an episode earlier this season - Who's Geoffrey? Whilst that episode was actually quite funny, with A Cranky Christmas... it felt kind of dull. I-it's far too simple. It fits the mold perfectly, but they could've had a bit more going on. For example, the plot of Duck in the Water is that James is sent to rescue a flooded Duck. With its simple plot, the season 18 episode didn't necessarily have to focus on the main story, and you can actually tell a few jokes in the runtime. Yeah, they told a few jokes here, but they didn't feel funny.

Oh, and on a side note, when Cranky asked that they let go of his mishap since it was Christmas, honestly, I groaned. And please, no Frozen-related jokes in the comments.

It's not terrible, but far from the best. There was so little I can comment on. Even though I give this a 4/10 like Henry Spots Trouble, I'd rather take the Henry episode since it actually grabbed my attention - even though his wimpy persona comes off as cringeworthy at worst... but I digress. More on that later.

Rating: 4 out of 10

Season 19, Episode 6
Snow Place Like Home
Written by Lee Pressman
I'm not sure what the point was in Percy and Henry's scene. I get that it's to emphasize that some engines are struggling in the snow, but couldn't they have expanded on it by having one of them end up in the Steamworks? That could've told Kevin about how dangerous snow can be.

Ah yes, speaking of whom, Kevin is excited about snow, but Victor hates it, and since he came from a country that's closer to the equator, it's very easy to sympathize with him - same deal with Donald and Douglas since they came from a land where it snows heavily. They're used to it, but Victor isn't. Emily is also at Steamworks waiting for her new piston rods... and that's it. I mean, I love her and all, but couldn't they have expanded on her role? Kevin wants to fetch them for her, but Victor doesn't allow it. Kevin sneaks outside to play in the snow, but his fun quickly ends when he gets stuck and no one can see him.

Meanwhile, Thomas is sent to pick up Emily's new piston rods. Victor is unable to find Kevin and Emily thinks he must've gone out there to pick them up, much to Victor's concern. Despite his hatred of snow, Victor decides to go out there and find him, risking life and wheel. Around that time, Thomas manages to pick up Emily's new piston rods, but is surprised that Victor and Kevin are missing. Kevin manages to use his arm to bang on a window, attracting attention. He is freed from the snow and is surprised that Victor went out there to find him. Thomas catches up to Victor (how, I don't know, since Victor is narrow gauge) and the red tank engine is happy that Kevin is safe... although Emily still wants to know if anyone's gonna fit her new piston rods!

I really liked Victor's development - his hatred for snow adds a new layer to his character, and the fact he was willing to go out there for Kevin's sake is admirable. He's almost like a father to the little crane. Might've been nice if we had a Skarloey engine or two involved, but... we get what we get.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Season 19, Episode 7
The Beast of Sodor
Written by Becky Overton
I prefer this to Henry Spots Trouble. There, I said it. Review over, right?

Nope! Of course, I'll address some of the criticisms. Yes, it does have a similar cast to the aforementioned episode, but does that hurt it? The answer is no - whilst Charlie and Eddie suffered badly due to having a plot completely similar to Play Time - and not to mention that it didn't feel like Edward on screen - with The Beast of Sodor, its plot was completely different to Henry Spots Trouble. I dunno about everyone else, but I think Charlie and Eddie and The Beast of Sodor are reverses of each other; the S14 episode has a re-hashed plot with different characters (to some extent) whilst the S19 episode has a re-hashed cast with a different plot. I'm fairly sure that the two S19 episodes having similar casts was purely coincidence from Davey and Becky's respective parts.

Onto the episode itself. Spencer is stuck on Sodor due to the bridge being blocked with snow, and brags about the time he faced off the abominable snowman. The next day, he's working with Henry, and keeps teasing him about the abominable snowman. Meanwhile, the Fat Controller drives his car to take Dowager Hatt for lunch, but he ends up running late, even more so when he gets stuck in the snow in the middle of nowhere... well, not exactly nowhere, since there's railway lines close by, but you get the idea. Oh, and Henry? His persona's not as cringeworthy as it was in the past, and I'll get to more on that later.

Spencer keeps teasing Henry, and twice, he thinks the abominable snowman is approaching, but they turn out to be Emily and Thomas, respectively, the latter carrying Dowager Hatt, who is cross about her son running late. Speaking of which, the Fat Controller is having a bad day - he ends up getting chased by a bull, for one thing...! *laughs loudly* Oh dear... Oh, poor old Toppy! Meanwhile, Henry is once again freaked out by the sight of the abominable snowman... but it's actually James being rescued by Edward and Rocky. Good thing they tied up that little loose end there, isn't it? Spencer wants to head off to the sheds to get warm, but he and Henry come across... *Dramatic Impact #2* the abominable snowman! Spencer is absolutely terrified, as is Henry, and I love this bit of dialogue:

"Leave us alone, you abominable... sir?!"

Turns out it was the Fat Controller, and he's in even bigger trouble; Thomas and Dowager Hatt turn up, and she's cross with her son for being late. Well, what a bit of rotten luck, Topham. But still, Henry actually stood up for himself and Spencer. Of course, Spencer lies about being brave, but we know better, don't we?

I can understand why some would consider it a clone of Henry Spots Trouble to some extent, but I still think it was rather good and humorous, plus the ending gives off a hopeful implication that Henry's confidence will eventually grow. I mean, Sam Wilkinson does want Henry's character to improve, after all. Although, I really wish Viacom would actually allow the rest of season 19 to air - we're not even halfway through the season and Start Your Engines! will be coming soon in two months!

Rating: 8 out of 10

Thomas and Friends Season 19 Scorecard:
1. Who's Geoffrey?: 8.5
2. The Truth About Toby: 7.5
3. Lost Property: 9.5
4. Henry Spots Trouble: 4.5
5. A Cranky Christmas: 4
6. Snow Place Like Home: 7.5
7. The Beast of Sodor: 8
X. Diesel's Ghostly Christmas: 9.5

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