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Friday, May 20, 2016

Thomas and Friends Season 14: The Remaining Episodes and Overall

Last time, I finished off season 13 - literally and metaphorically - this time, we're finishing up season 14. It's often regarded as the least bad of the Nitrogen seasons... is it? That's what I'm here to find out!

All episodes written by Sharon Miller, except where noted.

Episode 2: James in the Dark
Written by Mark Robertson
Engines wear lamps for a very important reason; they're to help their crews see in the dark, and they also help signalmen to identify what sort of train they're pulling. James has also worn lamps before, so why is he fussing about wearing one now? Surely he should know their importance, especially as he (and most other engines) gained one in season 17! It's also strange that he wouldn't know who Thomas and Edward were; perhaps their voices were a clue?

If there's anything I can't complain about, it's that Sodor looks lovely at night - just a shame that they didn't have station lights on or the fireboxes glowing. The plot was ridiculously contrived on a lot of levels and could've done with a lot of proofreading. Or if you want this plot done better, try Toad's Bright Idea.

Episode 3: Pingy Pongy Pick Up
Written by Miranda Larson
Yes, let's get this outta the way - Thomas shouldn't be deciding which engine gets which job. That should be the Fat Controller's task. Besides, "this is [HIS] railway and [HE] give[s] the orders!" But let's face it; continuity is barely existent within the Nitrogen era, so that is to be expected, but it can't be excused.

As for the rest of the episode, it's... okay, at best. But yeah, it was rather stupid that Percy's truck would derail rather than be pulled apart to splinters, and it was handled better in No Help at All since the truck hit a loose stone on the points. Of course, the near miss was fantastically done and very funny. But why would laundry be hung outside on a moving steam locomotive? Surely, they'd get dirty all over again?

Episode 6: Henry's Health and Safety
An episode about railway health and safety, huh? Interesting idea. Did they pull it off?

Well, they did show the dangers of leaving trucks on the mainline and not a siding, but how could Henry's siderod have broken in the collision? And Hiro shows up because... convenience. Although how on earth would Henry not know what health and safety was? He's an older engine, surely he knows what it is! To be fair, Victor exclaiming "Bam!" was very funny.

For all of its faults, it is one of Henry's better starring roles, and I'd say it's worth a few watches.

Episode 9: Victor Says Yes
Written by Denise Cassar
So, this episode brought forth the return of Arry and Bert... okay, except that they do literally nothing except moan about not getting their valves repaired quickly enough. You can replace them with James and Henry or whoever and nothing would change.

Honestly, I never really saw this episode as great. Sure, Victor got a starring role, but the end result was predictable. Shut up, engines - we know what you need, you don't need to bloody repeat it! I don't understand why this episode is popular; it's really boring and is better left forgotten about.

Episode 10: Thomas in Charge
Written by Mark Daydy
Thomas is assigned a thing, he screws it up three times over with "help" from Percy and Mavis, a crash takes place when you could see it a mile away, Thomas makes up for his mistake, and the Fat Controller's railway is deemed best. The end.

Episode 15: Thomas' Crazy Day
Remember my Ol' Wheezy Wobbles review? I said that the Logging Locos were considered by many to be the worst characters of the show, but I feel that's a huge understatement. I, personally, don't hate them, but nor do I really care for them. But yeah, Ferdinand is quite bland with his "catchphrase" being repeated every twenty seconds, something you'd never catch me doing.

For the rest of the episode, it was actually nice of Thomas to actually care for Percy, but shouldn't he have figured out by now that work comes before play? And yeah, Ferdinand exclaiming "This is not right" as Cranky lifted him was hilarious, but the episode on the whole is really dull.

Episode 16: Jumping Jobi Wood!
Oh, Dash was right with this episode - "just plain crazy!"

To be fair, we did get a funny moment near the beginning where Ferdinand calls the Fat Controller "boss", but why would he get upset at being called "boss" and yet he doesn't flinch when he's called "Fat Controller" in the UK? Of course, there's Edward - what the hell have they done with you in this episode? How could he be scared of Misty Island when he'd been there in a special better left forgotten about?! And how did he not suffer damage when the logs hit his boiler?

No, Thomas, Ol' Wheezy and Hee Haw will cause trouble for you and Edward - in fact, Misty Island's nothing but a damned death trap! Machinery being in such condition would've appalled even the most incompetent health and safety inspector! People could be injured or worse, killed! I used to find this funny, but now, it's just outright stupid.

Episode 19: Jitters and Japes
Wait, hold on a minute - Toby actually being wise in a Miller script? How could I have not seen it coming? Nor did I expect to see Thomas actually ask him for help. And yes, any time Dowager Hatt shows up in the CGI series, Keith Wickham puts on quite a show. I don't like how Annie and Clarabel are treated as if they're mute in this era; surely they could've given Thomas advice! Other than that, the episode's pretty dull no thanks to the rhyming and alliteration.

Season 14 Final Thoughts
Was this season any improvement over the previous? A little bit, but the writing was just as bad as ever. This marked the debut of the most infamous characters to ever set wheel on the show, and it did bring forth a bit more variety in leading roles, but Thomas still keeps showing up just because. Next week, we're finishing up the most infamous season of the show... season 15. Yay(!)

Episodes from Worst to Least Bad
20. Thomas and the Snowman Party (-3/10)
19. Jumping Jobi Wood! (0/10)
18. Thomas and Scruff
17. Henry's Magic Box
16. Pop Goes Thomas
15. Diesel's Special Delivery (1/10)
14. Thomas' Tall Friend
13. Toby and the Whistling Woods
12. Charlie and Eddie
11. Merry Winter Wish
10. Thomas in Charge
9. Victor Says Yes (3/10)
8. O the Indignity
7. James in the Dark
6. Thomas' Crazy Day (4/10)
5. Jitters and Japes (5/10)
4. Merry Misty Island
3. Pingy Pongy Pick Up (6/10)
2. Henry's Health and Safety (7/10)
1. Being Percy (8/10)

Season 14 Overall Rating: 2.5/10

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