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Friday, July 1, 2016

Thomas and Friends: The Rest of Season 7 Part 1

I'm sorry, I'm not getting reviews out as quickly as I'd like; I'd been a little too distracted as of late, but I'll try and get them out as soon as I can. Anyway, the rest of season seven!

Episode 3: Bill, Ben and Fergus
Written by Brian Trueman
The opening states that Fergus works on Sodor, but he's never been given a proper introduction. Well, he only appeared in this season, so I probably shouldn't complain. Unless Thomas and the Twins took place behind the scenes, how does he know about Bill and Ben? Unless this was a foreshadowing of Tale of the Brave...?

I'm gonna be frank; I don't like Fergus' attitude. I like his basis, but his persona does get on my nerves. What reason does he have to act the way he does? I mean, Duck's got Great Western heritage to excuse his mentality. The moral for this episode is good, however, about listening to your elders, and the episode on whole is okay, but I'd probably like it more if it was Toby in Fergus' place.

And no, I'm not gonna bring up the continuity/technical errors within this episode (and the rest of the season, in fact), because frankly, it's not really worth it. I will bring that up in the overview, however.

Episode 9: The Spotless Record
Written by Paul Larson
Does anyone remember there being a competition where Arthur's name was chosen? The winner was someone whose grandfather's name was Arthur, and I think it is a name Awdry would've been proud of - it just suits the engine and the LMS-inspired red livery looks quite nice. A shame the wheels aren't black though... And in case you're wondering, no - Arthur and Belle are NOT siblings.

As for the episode itself, how did Thomas go from admiring Arthur for his spotless record and then playing a trick on him? You could say that he was secretly jealous upon first meeting, or that he was upset that Arthur wasn't rough with the trucks, but even then, that doesn't explain his attitude. That's probably the weakest link in an otherwise well-structured story. That said, the crash was amazingly filmed (if too unrealistic) and the moral that nobody's perfect is a good one. Although, what happened to Duck afterward?

Episode 10: Toby's Windmill
Story by David Mitton and Jan Page
Written by Jan Page
Hmm. Not much to say about this, is there? Toby does make a mess of the flour (even though his driver should've been the one paying attention), but after a lightning storm, he makes up for the accident with reusing fallen trees to rebuild the windmill (even though that took an unrealistically quick time). Pretty simplistic with a message on helping others in need; not much else, really.

I thought this was Terence's last appearance in the actual show, but it turned out it was actually Not So Hasty Puddings. My bad. :P

Episode 15: Something Fishy
Written by Paul Larson
If this was intended to be a follow up to The Spotless Record (as evidenced by the narrator saying that Arthur was a new engine), I'd say it's a very good one at that. I like that there's a bit of expansion of Arthur's character, but I'm not too sure why Thomas is made to work near the Fishing Village when he's already working on his branchline? It might've been laser-guided karma toward him for tricking Arthur in his previous episode, but still, it's rather strange. The accident was most amusing to see, and it's a nice episode overall.

Episode 16: The Runaway Elephant
Written by George Tarry
Is it just me, or is Duncan really that dense at times? (Not that I'm disliking him, of course.)

But seriously, this episode is a very good display as to why brakevans are important for every goods train, even though Duncan should've had more common sense. I do like the usage of the "William Tell Overture" as Duncan has his runaway, but it is most ridiculous as to how the statue landed perfectly in the lake the way it did - a human statue, maybe, but an elephant statue? That must weigh tons!

Episode 18: Fergus Breaks the Rules
Written by Jan Page
What rules did Fergus break, exactly? Again, "do it right" crops up. And how is it that Diesel doesn't get any comeuppance for his actions? (Yeah, the Fat Controller said that Diesel would be sent to work at the smelters, but that's not enough for me.) Looks as though the issues of Middle Engine have struck again. And if Fergus was wise, you'd think he'd know better than to listen to Diesel and instead ask someone if he'd been given such a task. I don't like this episode at all.

Thomas and Friends Season 7 Scorecard
1. Emily's New Coaches: 10
2. Percy Gets It Right: 8
3. Bill, Ben and Fergus: 6
4. The Old Bridge: 5
5. Edward's Brass Band: 6
6. What's the Matter with Henry?: 8
7. James and the Queen of Sodor: 7
8. The Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop: 9
9. The Spotless Record: 9
10. Toby's Windmill: 6
11. Bad Day at Castle Loch: 7
12. Rheneas and the Roller Coaster: 0
13. Salty's Stormy Tale: 7
14. Snow Engine: 6
15. Something Fishy: 8
16. The Runaway Elephant: 7
17. Peace and Quiet: 10
18. Fergus Breaks the Rules: 2
23. Gordon and Spencer: 10
24. Not So Hasty Puddings: 6
26. Three Cheers for Thomas: 9

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