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Monday, December 18, 2017

MLP Episode 718: Daring Done?

After a brief stumble, season seven's gotten back on the high horse (no pun intended), so let's see if it can continue this streak with Daring Done?.

Despite the criticism some fans have given her, I think Gillian Berrow is a great addition to the writing staff, although I don't feel that writing for Equestria Girls: Better Together is doing her much favors. I'm not here to talk about that (nor do I ever want to on this blog). No, I am here to talk about the latest Daring Do episode, darn it!

The cold opening was a good set-up to the episode; it was really funny how Pinkie mentioned a Cloudsdale election and when Rainbow Dash freaked out, it turned out to be the article about "A.K. Yearling" retiring that was previously mentioned instead. That said, it's a rather... uncannily accurate portrayal about how both Thomas and MLP fans would rather react to politics; ignoring the issue and focusing on something insignificant instead. (For the record, I feel there are more important things to worry about than a stupid petition regarding Flash Sentry, but that's a post for another day.)

Like Campfire Tales, Daring Done? takes influence from real-world folklore. This time, from Egypt! The story of Somnambula and how she outsmarted the Sphinx and saved the Pharaoh was a brilliant tie-in to the episode's theme about hope.

And honestly, I felt for Daring Do here. There have been lots of times I felt like giving up right here and then, but then I remember that there's friends and company (in this case, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash) that have my back, and it motivates me to continue doing what I love most.

That being said, there's a point of contention that Rainbow Dash was too easily captured. I agree... but I also disagree. Yes, she could've probably flown away and alerted Daring Do and Pinkie...

...but the disagreement comes when you consider what Dr. Cabelleron said to her. Basically, he tried to crush Rainbow Dash's spirit and because she was distraught by what she'd (unintentionally) done, she couldn't think properly, let alone consider an escape. You could be the bravest person on the planet, but you're not immune to people wanting to tear you down. (I mean, take a look at Batman.) Though I will admit that it was obviously Cabelleron underneath the cloak; why didn't he think of shaving beforehand? Does he not have the time for personal looks?

Final Thoughts
I didn't have too much to say on the episode, so forgive me if the review is short. Despite this, I think it's another great addition to the season, and if you're a Daring Do fan - or at least, a fan of Rainbow Dash - you might enjoy this episode as well. And the theme may definitely be one for those who've felt like giving up at some point in their lives.

Rating: 10 out of 10

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