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Monday, December 18, 2017

MLP Episode 720: A Health of Information

Following Fluttershy Leans In, I was really pleased with how far the yellow Pegasus has come in terms of character development. Would my expectations for A Health of Information be met?

Yes, they were. And then some.

This is quite possibly Fluttershy's best starring role since Keep Calm and Flutter On. The fact that she was so determined in helping Zecora when the zebra ended up catching Swamp Fever really shows how far Fluttershy has come in seven seasons. If this was during the first three, she probably would've hid in fear from the Flash Bees, but season seven was the right time to show this episode.

Speaking of the bees, it's really interesting that Fluttershy finally managed to find a creature (besides Discord, who was faking it) that is immune to to her infamous Stare. Who knows if it'd work on dinosaurs?

And then there's our fifth legend within five episodes this season (Rockhoof, Mistmane, and Flash Magnus were all in Campfire Tales, making this the third legend episode). Mage Meadowbrooke here has taken influence from the Cajuns of New Orleans, and a bit like Daring Done?, her story plays into the episode's theme nicely - don't give up in a bad situation.

That's further emphasized by the fact that Zecora could potentially die from Swamp Fever. No, that's not just my interpretation, this is what the doctor was implying. And... there's not a whole lot I can say, really. There's funny bits to be found like Fluttershy rhyming in the cold open, and the brick joke with the doctor catching Swamp Fever - how ironic!

Final Thoughts
Like I've said, it's one of Fluttershy's best episodes yet. Her character has reached its peak, the themes are among the show's best (how many times have I said it for this season alone?), and... it's just amazing, really; what more can I ask for? There's only one rating this episode can get, marking three in a row.

Rating: 10 out of 10

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