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Saturday, May 12, 2018

MLP Episode 806: Surf and/or Turf

Ever since The Movie, I was hoping we'd get to see the hippogriffs again, especially Princess Skystar. And when this episode was announced, I was excited. But how does Surf and/or Turf fare?

Actually, I'd have been more excited if stupid, greedy people that call themselves "fans" didn't leak this episode (and a few others) in an unfinished state and spoiling the surprises for the true fans because they've nothing better to do with their lives... But whatever.

Regardless, it's yet another episode I really enjoy, and I liked Terramar a lot. He is incredibly sympathetic and relatable, and there's the subtle allegory with his parents Sky Beak (a hippogriff) and Ocean Flow (a seapony) being divorced, and yet they're still friendly with one another. That is a bold move for MLP, and one that I'm sure kids with divorced parents will relate to. Though it does make one wonder how Silverstream is handling this...!

Seeing Scootaloo swim around as a seapony is just adorably charming. It's almost like she's finally achieved her goal to sort of "fly", even if she was underwater. And no, Apple Bloom exaggerating the story of the Storm King's invasion doesn't bug me; most likely she's exaggerating just to make it sound exciting.

That being said, the conflict between Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle felt rather shoehorned. Sure, they had their disagreements on where Terramar should live in, but it more or less comes from nowhere and is dropped just as soon as it starts.

Although this doesn't affect my views on the episode, I'll mention it anyway; why on earth is Madeleine Peters not singing? I mean, she's sung fairly well as Scootaloo in the past (the last time was in The Fault in Our Cutie Marks back in season six), and yet here, her singing voice is done by Arielle Tuliao. So... why the change?

Final Thoughts
Sometimes, the best episodes are those that give me little to talk about, and despite the problem with the leaks in December, this was yet another highlight to season seven. Though I was pretty disappointed that Skystar didn't make an appearance, much less receive a mention, it didn't ruin the viewing experience for me. It was fine the way it is.

Rating: Excellent

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