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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

MLP Episode 809: Non-Compete Clause

After seven episodes since School Daze, we're back to the School of Friendship! There's one thing concerning this Non-Compete Clause; will it actually be good and prove The Parent Map was merely a fluke?

Last time, I was hoping the writers could do something fresh lest the show become stagnant. Their best response? An episode about teamwork, and one where Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at odds with each other... again.

However, to be fair, this was seven seasons after Fall Weather Friends, so it's a bit more forgivable here. And the fact they had the Young Six reacting to their antics added a little more nuance to the story.

But that is what really kills the episode for me. You'd have expected after eight years that Rainbow Dash and Applejack would've learned not to behave like children over little things. Episodes like this where the lead characters are rewritten to suit the story can potentially harm their reputation and make them unlikable. It also says a lot that the Young Six, characters who are meant to represent a younger generation, have more maturity than two characters who have been a staple of the show since 2010.

On top of that, the moral is incredibly hammered in. Sure, it's one that kids need to learn, but here's the thing; this is a lesson Rainbow Dash and Applejack should know by now! We've seen in past episodes that they've worked well together, even in this season alone! Why they can't do this now is beyond me. Hell, the episode's ending gave off the implication that they learned nothing from the experience.

Twilight's role wasn't much better either. Sure, she scolded Rainbow Dash and Applejack for their behavior (something we need to see more of), but she still lets them lead the field trip anyway, despite the fact that Yona almost drowned because of their petty bickering! And Rainbow Dash and Applejack did nothing to help her! Imagine what Rutherford would say if he found out!

Yeah, this episode is riddled with unfortunate implications; would any student want to be taught by a pair of teachers who are constantly at each other's throats during a field trip? The students wouldn't feel safe, and their parents/guardians wouldn't trust them! I know what message the kids want it to be, but as I've said, Rainbow Dash and Applejack should've learned this lesson by now! And when they got tied up, I thought that it served them right for being careless.

Like I've also said, the Young Six are really good throughout, Yona and Ocellus especially. The former's aquaphobia could be an interesting character study in the future, and the latter's transformations into a seapony and a fish are really fun to see.

Final Thoughts
I know it's too early to call, but this is so far a candidate for worst episode of the season. It completely ignores character development that had happened in the past seven seasons just for the plot to happen, the moral comes off as extremely forced, and the ending makes the whole endeavor pointless. The episode as a whole provides nothing new or interesting.

I really hope this doesn't become a constant problem for season eight; otherwise, I'll be left with little to discuss. The writers really need to pick up their game lest this season becomes worse than the sixth.

Rating: Terrible

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