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Sunday, October 28, 2018

My Little Pony: Best Gift Ever

I dunno why Hasbro keeps airing Christmas specials before December, especially since it's just a few days before Halloween, but there you go. Anyway, here's Best Gift Ever.

It's... not that good. Twilight has a freak out over not being ready for Hearth's Warming the same way she freaked out over not delivering a letter to Princess Celestia seven years ago with Lesson Zero. Sure, it's nice to see Shining Armor, Cadance and Flurry Heart again (too bad we didn't get Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle there), but even her causing trouble unintentionally feels similar to A Flurry of Emotions.

Then we get an Applejack/Fluttershy subplot that mashes up Trade Ya!, Friendship University, and Viva Las Pegasus - the latter two of which, coincidentally, also featured Flim and Flam. They've already outstayed their welcome, and every appearance they make proves that they'll never change their ways. And how did Fluttershy not recognize, at first, that it was really them underneath their disguises? Surely their manes and tails sticking out would've been the first clue?

And we get to see Discord, for the first time, playing off with someone in the Mane Six that's not Twilight or Fluttershy; this time, it's Rainbow Dash. This is the most entertaining part of the special, I'll admit. Not original either but... eh, they tried at least. The Pinkie and Rarity subplots are rather forgettable.

And all the subplots tie up to the message that friendship is the best gift of all. Of course we know that! They've known each other for eight years, and suddenly they have to learn that? With the show now in its ninth year, this type of familiarity has bred contempt at least for me. It's almost as if the writers are low on ideas and are reusing older episodes and lessons as a crutch when they're desperate. It's why I'll be glad when Generation 4 ends in 2019/2020 because there's only so far you can take it before it gets stale.

Final Thoughts
Sorry if the review's short, but there's honestly little for me to talk about. It's a special that offers nothing new and doesn't go the extra mile; it's a mish-mash of older episodes thrown into the pudding but instead comes out as stale, years-old gingerbread.

As much as I liked season eight, it did feel at times like it was coasting along and relying on tropes that worked well in the past. If season nine goes down that same path, then I'm afraid I can't see myself being a fan of My Little Pony within the next year or two. The writers really need to step up their game and fast.

Rating: Bad (1/10)

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion they started to run out of ideas and went completely stale in season 6, considering how bad that season was.
