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Saturday, April 20, 2019

MLP Episode 904: Sparkle's Seven

Welp, back to mediocre territory we go. And it's only the 200th episode of the series?

Sparkle's Seven
Story by Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman, Tabitha St. Germain, Tara Strong, and Cathy Weseluck
Written by Nicole Dubuc and Josh Haber

Yes, apparently, this is episode 200 if we count Best Gift Ever as one. Without it, it's only episode 199. But like the aforementioned holiday special, it's a case of hype overshadowing the story itself. And it's a boring, slow-paced slog.

There is so little to remember or even enjoy. Literally, I felt nothing when watching it.

"Oh, but Shining Armor got to play a major role! That's a good thing, right?" Well... no. Because it took seven seasons since his debut for him to actually do anything! If they really weren't that bothered about expanding on his character until now, then what was the point introducing him to begin with?

This has been a problem which has festered in the series since season three. Characters getting introduced and then barely getting any screentime - or mentioned at all - following their debut stories. Babs Seed, Coco Pommel and Moon Dancer are a few examples that spring to mind. They've developed side characters like Big Macintosh and have done a great job with him since Brotherhooves Social, so why not expand on the aforementioned three?

And speaking of characters, this episode demonstrated how little the Mane Six have left to display. Their arcs are just about finished at this point; Rarity's expanding her business, Rainbow Dash is a Wonderbolt, Fluttershy has become more assertive, and heck, Twilight will be taking over for Celestia and Luna soon. Applejack's been perfectly content with her home life, but Pinkie Pie? Yeah, I'm not sure what else they can do with her.

This is why I liked what they did with the Young Six during the last season and Uprooted; they actually feel like they could be natural replacements for the Mane Six. Or at least, get a spinoff dedicated to them.

I haven't even begun to talk about the story yet. That's because it gives me very little to talk about. Shining Armor challenges Twilight for some cardboard crown and sets up a series of traps so she couldn't get by? Really? That's all there is at stake? Not some dangerous villain, a natural disaster, or even a terrorist attack? Instead, it's some crown that should've been thrown away by now? That's possibly the most stupid way to celebrate 199 200 episodes!

The only thing I could take from this episode is never overlook your friends. But... other episodes have taught that theme and produced a far more satisfying end result. Also, is it just me, or are they shoving Starlight further into the background?

Final Thoughts
A few days ago, I wrote a status update on DeviantArt concerned that there would be trying to handle many ideas into a 21 minute timeframe. I don't know how well they were handled, but the main bulk of the story is barely anything to write home about, and only affirms my frustrations that the writers are out of ideas. Sorry to say this, but Sparkle's Seven was all hype, no substance; combine that with main characters who've run their course, and you'll be left wishing you had chocolate cake instead of rice cake.

Rating: Terrible (-3/10)


  1. This review is bad and you should feel bad.

    1. Is there a reason you think my review is bad, or are you just outright upset because someone actually did their job as a critic? Actually, I don't care what you think, especially since you provided no counterarguments.

  2. I Think My ex-friend took your classic style


