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Saturday, May 11, 2019

MLP Episode 907: She's All Yak

I'm surprised they didn't go for My Fair Yona given what happens in this episode. Still, it's a nice episode... with yet another instance of the "be yourself" lesson being taught.

She's All Yak
Written by Brian Hohlfeld

I know I risk sounding like a broken record at the quarter-way mark of season nine, but all it's been doing is rehashing older episodes and previously taught lessons to make them look "new". It doesn't help that this episode has the exact same lesson as Common Ground, which aired last week! She's All Yak does hold up on its own, don't get me wrong, but having this air right after Common Ground wasn't the best move, and it further emphasizes how lazy the writing has gotten with season nine. Who knows what could've happened if the two episodes had swapped airdates?

Other than that, there's little to talk about in terms of story. All I can really say is that it feels like the opposite of Party Pooped with Yona wanting to learn about pony culture rather than the ponies learning about yak culture. It's also way less annoying, you feel sympathetic towards Yona (nothing to do with her being my favorite of the Young Six, though it might've helped), and the plot doesn't feel like it was pulled from the writers' backsides. That's... pretty much it, really.

Final Thoughts
I apologize that the review is pretty short, but there's very little for me to talk about. On its own, it's a nice, charming little episode, but the regurgitated storyline and overused moral bring it down for me. And yet the character moments and development just barely manage to salvage the whole thing. Who knew that one of the best dynamics of the whole season would be Sandbar and Yona?

Had this episode aired earlier - or perhaps held back to later in the season, we don't know at this stage - this could've easily been the best of the season, but either way, by far, this is the best yak-centric episode. Granted, it shouldn't be praiseworthy, but the bar wasn't that high to begin with since the last three episodes that featured yaks or yak culture being central to the plot have been utter failures, so...

Rating: Good (7/10)

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