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Saturday, June 1, 2019

MLP Episode 910: Going to Seed

And it's back to bland territory we go...

Going to Seed
Written by Dave Rapp

The overall plot is Apple Bloom believing in a magical creature known as the Great Seedlin' that could help with the Confluence (that's a harvest that's a hundred moons in the making). Applejack goes along with it, and between all of that... nothing really happens.

Well, we get a flashback showing Bright Mac and Pear Butter alive with an infant Bloom, but apart from that, there is nothing really remarkable going on. And the Great Seedlin' turns out to be Big Mac. It would be a nice twist and all, except we could almost see it from a mile away considering how insomniac he was throughout until the end. He did shine through by providing the episode's comedy, I'll give this episode that.

But that's very much it...

Final Thoughts
Apologies for a short review, but there is very little I can say here. The characters and theme in general were fine, but the story's pretty slow-paced with nothing spectacular going on. Not to mention that the reveal with Big Mac at the end was blatantly obvious.

Rating: Bad (2/10)

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