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Saturday, June 22, 2019

MLP Episode 913: Between Dark and Dawn

Well, we're at the last episode before the final hiatus of the show, excluding Rainbow Road Trip. Ever since the bombshell dropped about Twilight taking over for Celestia and Luna, the big question on everyone's mind has been, "Okay, then what?" As we've seen thus far, very little. Not a single episode felt like it belonged in season nine and instead felt like they were leftovers from previous seasons for the most part. The sole exception seems to be Frenemies, and that was atrocious. But now we're gonna see how the final mid-season finale goes.

Between Dark and Dawn
Written by Gail Simone

For pony's sake... This is practically the lovechild of A Royal Problem and Road to Friendship with bits of Once Upon a Zeppelin and Pinkie Apple Pie being sprinkled into the mix.

I'm sick of mentioning this, but it's now gone beyond its nadir. This retreading of older ground needs to be put to bed! It never hurts to exercise a little creativity, you know? Not only that, the way both Celestia and Luna are portrayed completely devalues what they learned from A Royal Problem. But that's not the biggest issue I've got with the episode, especially since the main story with them gives me very little to talk about.

The B-plot with the Mane Six, which I'm laser-focusing on for the review, further emphasizes my hatred for The Point of No Return. That episode seemed to tell me that Celestia and Luna were practically giving their duties to a pony with paranoid schizophrenia. I'm not kidding; that is a mental disorder that Twilight has, so what's going to happen the next time she freaks out? Send Equestria at war with itself?

Also, consider that in The Beginning of the End, Luna said that Equestria has endured its longest period of harmony in recent years. Yeah, if you can consider a wedding almost being crashed, a raging monster going loose and stealing magic, royalty and close friends being kidnapped, and even a filly committing treason as "harmonic", then I'd really hate to see what things were like before Twilight and her friends obtained control of the Elements of Harmony...! But seriously; why would Luna make such a claim if we see evidence contrary to her statements?

Taking those facts into consideration, Twilight taking over for the sisters was probably an idiotic idea to begin with. I don't care if it was an idea Lauren Faust had planned from the start, but consider Twilight's history with acting without thinking as well as her ignorance to obvious problems from season six onward. Hell, this episode specifically shows her brushing off Fancy Pants' concerns, thinking that she knows best.

Here's something the writers have seemingly forgotten; Twilight is meant to be the voice of reason for the Mane Six! Yes, she has flaws, and without them, you'd border on making her a Mary Sue, and we know how despised many of them are. But you can also go too far the other end as well by exaggerating her flaws, making her an idiot at best or a toxic leader at worst. This episode and The Point of No Return are prime examples of that. This is what's known as flanderization, taking a common trait the character is known for and exaggerating it to the point it feels like it's their sole personality trait.

You know who would've been a better choice to take over for Celestia and Luna? Fluttershy. Out of the Mane Six, she's grown the most in terms of maturity, she's not afraid to stand up for herself in recent episodes, and she's even shown genuine concern for her peers, pony or otherwise. Heck, why do you think Celestia trusted her in redeeming Discord back in season three?

Getting back to Celestia's and Luna's story, they reconcile, fly back to Canterlot, and then the episode just... stops. Yeah, that's how they end it, and we never see them help Twilight in handling the raising and setting of the sun and the moon. This is also what happened in Fame and Misfortune with the story stopping at a completely random point. The Movie also stopped at a random point, but at least it felt like it was meant to bring the story and Tempest's character arc to a close. Here? It just stops because... reasons.

The only good aspect about this episode is Celestia and Luna's duet, and hearing them sing together is one of those "once a show" moments. And the sisters' performances by Nicole Oliver and Tabitha St. Germain (and Aloma Steele when Luna sings) shine through despite the thoroughly awful script.

Final Thoughts
This is one of the most abysmally written episodes of the entire series. It's pretty much the culmination of all the problems I've had with season nine thus far; retreading old ground (and doing nothing to make it stand out on its own), unfortunate implications, and an uninteresting end result. It almost feels like the writers simply aren't invested in the show anymore and want it to end. But even if you disregard the fact that it's the final season of the show, that's no excuse to not put in any effort into the writing.

I'm more frustrated than ever about the problems surrounding Twilight's character arc piling up. In fact, I may end up doing a follow-up post about it. Twilight needs to get her shit together by the time the finale airs in October; otherwise... Equestria's royally fucked.

Rating: Atrocious (-10/10)


  1. The problem with this episode and why season 9 has been a failure is once again because of the writers, they're mostly NEW WRITERS, who have zero knowledge, understanding nor regard for any previous events that were established and just make up whatever stuff they want...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm sorry; I lost interest the moment you said you had no regrets calling me out.

      I'm standing by my statement that it's the laziest written season. All this season has told me is that the writers are out of the ideas. Saying that a person is wrong for doing their job as a critic just makes you petty. If I hate an episode, I will say why. At least I put effort into my reviews than calling out person for an apparently shit job and offering no solutions for improvement.

    2. " At least I put effort into my reviews than calling out person for an apparently shit job and offering no solutions for improvement."

      I just did, but you refuse to listen. I just told you that instead of just saying "that the writers are out of the ideas", trying to review the episode at its own and find some credit that rightfully deserves.

      "Saying that a person is wrong for doing their job as a critic just makes you petty."

      I NEVER said that, I told you to put effort on your reviews and you NEVER did. You're becoming like those internet critics who take the negatives aspects of a show or movie and exploit it to make it look unredeemable or lazy. What you're gonna do next? A 'MLP Season 9 is Garbage and Here's Why'?

    3. These "episodes" don't deserve any credit. There was no effort or heart put into them. Season six had more effort put into them.

      Ironically, you're acting like Lily Orchard because someone would rather stand out than conform to the majority opinion. Want my advice? Fuck off, hypocrite.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. And you're making yourself more of an asshole than I think people would want you to believe.

    7. Okay, I'm sorry. No, really, sorry.

      You're right. MLP became garbage and I should be ashamed of myself. And I shouldn't bother you.

      I won't bother you anymore. For real this time.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. If you want to hate Season 9, you're free to do so. But, please don't hate it, because some asshole threw shit at you.

  5. I'm not a horrible person, I know I've been a total monster. But I'm completely different in real life. If we come across, maybe we could hang out and have fun, like Rainbow Dash and Quibble Pants in Stranger than FanFiction. I do have a life outside the internet. I'm not a troll who spends 24/7 pissing people off. I have friends and family who love me and what I do in real life. Like cooking and writing a novel.

  6. I don't think MLP Season 9 is Garbage, but you have every right to criticize it. I still wanna be friends despite all this. I think you're very good at choosing your words, unlike me.

    1. We get what you're thinking, you don't have to constantly comment over and over again.

  7. I like this episode alot, its so cute seeing celestia and luna doing all these basic activities. Escpecially Luna who is SO PURE! she freaks out about post offices and musicals. AND LOVES ART!

  8. https://www.fimfiction.net/story/433977/put-that-crown-back-where-it-came-from
